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Prominent Israeli Beis Din Asserts: Avraham Kirsh’s Actions Contradict Halacha, Plaintiff Has Right to Seek Legal Action

In a recent development that has sent shockwaves through the community, a prominent Beis Din (rabbinical court) in Israel has unequivocally stated that Avraham Kirsh, a controversial figure, consistently acts in direct violation of halacha (Jewish law). The Beis Din further acknowledges the plaintiff’s right to pursue legal action against Avraham Kirsh and his associate, “Rabbi” Josh Heber, with the aim of obtaining a court order to halt their alleged harassment.

The Beis Din’s pronouncement comes as a significant blow to Avraham Kirsh and raises serious questions about the validity of his religious practices and leadership. Known for his purported role as a religious authority, Avraham Kirsh’s actions have long been a subject of scrutiny within the community.

According to the Beis Din’s authoritative statement, Avraham Kirsh’s conduct consistently contradicts the principles and guidelines outlined in halacha. The specific transgressions have not been explicitly outlined, but the firm language employed by the Beis Din indicates the gravity of the situation and the severity of Avraham Kirsh’s actions.

Equally noteworthy is the acknowledgment by the Beis Din of the plaintiff’s right to pursue legal recourse against both Avraham Kirsh and “Rabbi” Josh Heber. The plaintiff, who has presumably been subjected to harassment, is encouraged to utilize the legal system to put an end to the alleged mistreatment. This position suggests that the Beis Din recognizes the limitations of its own jurisdiction and acknowledges the need for external intervention to rectify the situation.

The implications of this development extend beyond the immediate circumstances surrounding Avraham Kirsh and “Rabbi” Josh Heber. It raises broader concerns about the accountability and integrity of religious leaders and the mechanisms in place to address alleged misconduct within religious institutions. The Beis Din’s endorsement of legal action indicates a growing recognition that seeking civil remedies may be necessary in cases where religious authorities fail to uphold the principles they are meant to embody.

As news of the Beis Din’s statement spreads, it is anticipated that the community will closely follow the legal proceedings and subsequent actions taken against Avraham Kirsh and “Rabbi” Josh Heber. This case has the potential to serve as a precedent for future instances where individuals question the actions and behaviors of religious figures, highlighting the importance of maintaining transparency, integrity, and adherence to halacha within religious institutions.

In conclusion, the recent declaration by a prominent Israeli Beis Din regarding Avraham Kirsh’s alleged violations of halacha and the plaintiff’s right to pursue legal action underscores the need for accountability and ethical conduct within religious leadership. It emphasizes the significance of ensuring that religious authorities uphold the principles they are entrusted to safeguard, and it sets the stage for a potential legal battle that could have far-reaching implications for religious institutions and communities at large.

Kirsch talking Lashon Harah about others behind their backs

Here are just a few examples of hundreds degrading things he says

“6 girls. 4 that are out of school of marriageable age. Nebach can’t do shidduchim. BTW they are calling for donations for Zichron Shlome Refuah Fund Chinese Auction. We should send them to China. Now is the time to spread the word not to donate.”

“He davens in Rodney (during the week) and collects money around Williamsburg… They all know how crazy he is… he will suffer the consequences”

Teaching others how to destroy innocent people life’s

“Bottom line its not Poshut. If you want put thru an anonymous call to the school or her friends maybe even family members. Don’t dare say I told you to do it.”

” try to call someone who does not know you and call from a private number. i can give you the number of her sister in Law Kuperman but please under all circumstances do not say you spoke to me or got the number from me. Maybe just say you are a concerned neighbor.”

Does crime pay ?

Hey everyone! I came across some shocking information that got me thinking, “Does crime actually pay?” We often hear the saying, “Crime doesn’t pay,” but when it comes to certain individuals, it seems like they’re making a fortune! Check out the attached invoice and let’s dive into the numbers together.

The Mishna, a Jewish text, states, “כדי שלא יהא חוטא נשכר” – roughly translated as “so that a sinner should not be rewarded.” However, it seems that in the case of these criminals, they’re not only rewarded but also handsomely compensated. Let’s break it down.

In the attached invoice, labeled as “Invoice 184,” we can assume it represents an average bill. It reveals that these charlatans made a staggering sum of $59,800 in just eight months! Can you imagine that? They spent less than a year threatening innocent people, all in the pursuit of power and money.

Taking this average amount into consideration, these two main cronies managed to rake in a whopping $89,700 in a year. To give you an idea of the breakdown, let’s have a closer look:

  • “Rabbi” Josh Heber – $44,850
  • “Rabbi” Avraham Kirsh – $44,850

These numbers are mind-boggling. It’s disheartening to think that some individuals would resort to such unethical practices and profit greatly from them. It raises questions about the state of justice and the consequences faced by those who engage in criminal behavior.

Let’s hope that the justice system prevails, and these wrongdoers are held accountable for their actions. Crime should never be rewarded, and it’s up to us as a society to ensure that justice is served.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think crime truly pays, or is there always a price to be paid in the end? Let’s have a discussion and shed light on this topic. Share your views in the comments below!

Ignorant or Evil

The question at hand pertains to the individuals named Josh Heber Avraham Kirsh and YM Passach, and whether they are merely ignorant or exhibit a more sinister nature. It is claimed that these so-called “Rabbis” lack the necessary knowledge or understanding regarding a specific halacha (Jewish law), and it is suggested that their actions stem from either a state of plain ignorance or a malevolent intent.

The specific halacha in question is Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah 334, which allegedly does not address the Halachas of Siruv, but rather focuses on Nidui—a form of censure or restriction imposed on individuals within the community. The claim further asserts that Nidui is no longer practiced in contemporary times. However, according to the accusation, these self-proclaimed “Rabbis” repeatedly reference this halacha without a genuine comprehension of its content.

The accusation then takes a harsher turn, suggesting that Josh Heber, in particular, possesses a dark and malicious character. The implication is that his soft-spoken demeanor masks an evil persona, and that he derives pleasure from fabricating new halachas to further his own agenda. The insinuation is that he delusionally believes this act of creating new religious rulings elevates his status to that of a godal—a great Torah scholar or spiritual leader.

In conclusion, the accuser raises doubts about the knowledge and intentions of Josh Heber Avraham Kirsh and YM Passach, insinuating that they either lack the necessary understanding or have ulterior motives when referencing a specific halacha from the Shulchan Aruch. The accusation further singles out Josh Heber, labeling him as not only ignorant but also malicious, suggesting he indulges in the creation of new halachas to bolster his self-perceived status as a great spiritual leader.

Prominent Beis Din of America Takes a Decisive Stand: Siruv Imposed on “Rabbi” Avraham Kirsh, “Rabbi” Josh Haber, and “Rabbi” Max

In a striking turn of events, the esteemed Beis Din of America, once under the leadership of the revered Rabbi Moshe Feinstein ob”m, has made a resolute and assertive move. The Beis Din has recently announced the issuance of a Siruv, a formal religious censure, against three individuals: “Rabbi” Avraham Kirsh, “Rabbi” Josh Haber, and “Rabbi” Max.

The Siruv, a potent measure employed by religious authorities, carries significant weight within the Jewish community. It serves as a public declaration of the Beis Din’s disapproval and condemnation of the actions and conduct of the aforementioned individuals.

While the specific details and reasons behind the Siruv have not been publicly disclosed, it is clear that the Beis Din has found their actions to be in contravention of established religious norms. The imposition of a Siruv indicates that the Beis Din has taken a serious stance against perceived transgressions or unacceptable behavior within their ranks.

In conclusion, the Beis Din of America, once led by the revered Rabbi Moshe Feinstein ob”m, has made a profound statement through the imposition of a Siruv on “Rabbi” Avraham Kirsh, “Rabbi” Josh Haber, and “Rabbi” Max. This decisive move reflects the Beis Din’s resolute disapproval and serves as a clear indication that their actions have breached established religious norms.

נערים שובבים ופראים

In a recent development, a letter written by a respected Beis Din in New York regarding the “Badatz Btzedek Tishpoit,” led by Avraham Kirsh, has surfaced. The letter brings attention to a particular line that deserves translation: “These mischievous and unruly individuals had the audacity to confront them with extreme arrogance and impoliteness, engaging in a quarrel that does not concern them…”

The letter from the Beis Din carries significant weight, as it signifies their disapproval of the confrontation that took place involving “Badatz Btzedek Tishpoit.” The strong language used in the letter suggests that the individuals involved in the altercation behaved inappropriately, displaying arrogance and impoliteness. The Beis Din emphasizes that the quarrel had no relevance to the individuals involved and implies that their interference was unwarranted.

While the specifics of the confrontation and the parties involved are not outlined in the excerpt provided, it is evident that the Beis Din views the behavior of the individuals as objectionable. The letter implies that these individuals overstepped their boundaries and engaged in a dispute that was unrelated to their own affairs.

Understanding the Constant Name Changes of Avrohom Kirsh

Understanding the Constant Name Changes of Avrohom Kirsh

Avrohom Kirsh, known for his questionable practices, has developed a reputation for frequently changing names, as evidenced by his past aliases:

  • Beis Din of Brooklyn
  • Beis Din Torah Vodaas
  • Beis Din Kollel Avreichim De’yeshiva
  • Beis Din B’tzedek Tishpoit
  • Beis Din of Rabbi Belsky

Recently, we received an email from a victim who informed us that Avrohom Yehoshua Kirsh, Josh Yehoshua Heber, and Moshe Brody are now operating under a new name: Badatz Mishpitei Yisroel.

There could be several reasons why Avrohom Kirsh’s recurring pattern of name changes persists. One possible explanation is corruption within the system. As more individuals discover the true nature of Avrohom Kirsh and his cohorts, he may feel compelled to switch names in an effort to evade accountability. It should be noted that Avrohom Kirsh’s associates also change names, indicating a continuous decline into more disreputable practices.

Another reason for Avrohom Kirsh’s name changes might be an attempt to elude search engine results. Occasionally, when someone expresses outrage over Avrohom Kirsh’s actions, they may publish a post online exposing the truth about his “Beis Din.” Given that Avrohom Kirsh lacks a valid defense against the accusations of extortion, he resorts to name changes in the hope that his past misdeeds will not haunt him.

However, the era of playing manipulative games is over for Avrohom Kirsh. The time has come for people to stand up and declare “enough is enough” regarding Avrohom Kirsh’s actions. It is crucial to protect the integrity of the community and refrain from further harm caused by Avrohom Kirsh to Am Yisrael.

Instead of Badatz Mishpitei Yisroel, which implies legitimacy, it is more appropriate to label Avrohom Kirsh’s entity as a corrupt Badatz. With this acknowledgment, there would be no need for Avrohom Kirsh to make further name changes.